Steps on the Journey

Summer – a time to relax, a time to go at a different pace, a time to connect with God in a different way, and a time that disappears too quickly.

This summer people from Faith have been vacationing, taking trips to visit family, seeing the eclipse, going to camp, swimming, planting and caring for gardens, and living life outside. We here at Faith have been involved with the summer read, a new activity area for children in worship, serving at Covington Court, offering refreshment to people in the neighborhood and metro transit and more.

But we are moving into the fall, and the rhythm is changing. Students, teachers and others are going back to school. We are moving into a regular schedule of work and volunteering. Activities that take the summer off are beginning again.

It is also a time to move into a pattern with our relationship with God. Maybe we have been a little lax in our prayer time, or our studying/reading of the Bible or in being in worship or Sunday School. Now is the time for a new start. We are always a people beginning again. It is one of the marvelous things about being a person of faith. It is always a “day of new beginnings, a time to remember and move on.”* This fall we begin again – we will try new things, we will listen for God in new ways, and we will experience God in different ways.
This fall there will be new opportunities here at Faith. Sure some of the “regular” things will be present – Worship, Sunday School, but there will be new opportunities, a new women’s group, a new survey of the Bible class, new adult education options, new ways to be in service and more.

Where is God calling you to be involved? Where is your heart leading you? Is there something you would like to be involved with but haven’t seen it available – talk to Pastor Gail.

It is all one more step on the journey of faith.

Peace in Christ,

*from “This is a Day of new Beginnings” by Brian Wren