Vision and Values

In January, 2011, we began Phase Two of our renewal work here at Faith. This phase involves surfacing a vision, testing it and refining it while we deepen our openness to God and God’s leading. The Vision Team has led the work through this phase. We have had opportunities for congregational input and are always open to the ideas of others.

The Vision Team has researched and studied the demographic changes that have occurred in our own community. We have learned some things about the West St. Paul community, such as the largest group age-wise is persons over 65. The next largest group is children under 18. We have also noted that there is a large percentage of single parent households. We have taken this information into account as we move forward.

The following information is where we believe God is calling us.


Grounded in Christ, open to make a difference – together


The mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


  1. Hospitality
  2. Responsible stewardship
  3. Risk taking
  4. Opportunities for growth
  5. Outreach

We believe there are a number of ways to continue the renewal that has begun. We will employ the strategies listed below and additional ones that help us make the necessary shifts.


  • Action oriented
  • Reframe questions/issues
  • Relationships
  • Balcony thinking
  • Communications