Mission and Service

Monthly Mission Well
The Mission Well welcomes your donations to help support the offering of the month. Our offering for December will support Neighbor’s, Inc.




The Faith Church Garden Project
The fourteenth season (2024) of gardening has begun.

Walk to End Hunger
The annual walk at the Mall of America jas been put on hold since the beginning of COVID. We have continued to collect food for Neighbor’s Inc. at the church.


Every Meal Distribution at 9:30 a.m. (at Garlough School through May 30)

Emma Norton Services
Emma Norton Services helps women, children, and families achieve victory over homelessness, mental illness, and chemical dependency. The Twin Cities-based nonprofit provides safe, affordable housing through Emma Norton Residence, which supports 50 women in transition at any given time, and Emma’s Place, which houses 13 families on a permanent basis. In addition to housing, Emma Norton Services provides case management, peer and individual support programs, youth pro- grams, life skills and out-of-poverty training, mental health support, and advocacy for women with disabilities. Through Emma Norton Services, families receive resources and coaching to equip them on their path toward stability.

First Sunday Food Drive
The first Sunday of each month we encourage people to bring food for the Neighbors, Inc., food shelf. Children can help a child or children in need by bringing their own favorite food item to give, whether it’s Spaghetti-O’s, Hamburger Helper, Mac ‘n’ Cheese, a favorite cereal or pancake mix and syrup. Cash donations are also welcome. We do this on Communion Sunday to remember that while we are fed we are to help feed others.

Visiting the Homebound
Our church has a visitation group that regularly visits the homebound. The church also gives poinsettias to the homebound at Christmas.