Pastor Marianne Ozanne
Pastor Marianne comes to us from serving in Rosendale, Atwater and Willmar MN United Methodist Churches. She is married to Rev. Jeff Ozanne, who serves at Faith United Methodist Church in St. Anthony. They have two active children. Pastor Marianne most enjoys working with individuals around discipleship, particularly through adult Bible Study and children’s ministry.
E-mail (FUMC account):
Susan Filter, Administrative Assistant
E-mail (Church Office):
E-mail Susan directly:
Email Susan Filter
John Kemp, Choir Director
John Kemp has served as the director of the sanctuary choir since 1987. Many of the members of the choir have served in this ministry for all of that time. Others have joined over the last several years. John tries to select music that is appropriate to the season or the Sunday emphasis, while also considering the interests and tastes of members of the choir and the congregation. John and his late wife Marti are the proud parents of one daughter, Genny, and the even prouder grandparents of three.
Joan Fitch, Keyboardist and Accompanist